Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

6.3 TD Apologetics

6.3 TD Apologetics

Q INSTRUCTIONS 1. Review Chapter 21 of the textbook and the Addressing Heresies PDF. 2. For this threaded discussion, discuss the following: a. State the issues of heresy addressed by II Peter, Jude, and I, II, & III John. b. Elaborate on the matter of Quasi-Gnosticism in John’s writings. c. Offer a defense of the faith using Peter’s, Jude’s, and John’s arguments. 3. Reference and cite your text, New Testament Survey, Chapter 21, and “Addressing Heresies – II Peter, Jude, and I, II, & III John” PDF. 4. Comment and discuss with your instructor and peers for Threaded Discussion. 5. Initial post is due by the end of the fourth day of the unit. No initial posts are accepted after 11:55 pm ET on this day. 6. Respond to at least TWO peer initial posts by the end of the unit. Responses should be substantial comments and not just “I agree” or “I don’t agree.” There should be some thoughtful reflection provided about the peer’s initial post. No response posts are accepted after 11:55 pm ET on this day.

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A key issue among religious researchers is whether these educators were church individuals who were honest to goodness in their change at first, or whether they were simple fakers who never grasped the gospel. The early church likewise faltered to acknowledge 2 Peter due to the huge number of clearly imposter accounts and letters asserting to have been composed by Peter. An approaching apostasy included a foreswearing of Christ and disparaged the guarantee of his arrival. Most scriptural researchers have closed Peter is not the creator, considering the epistle pseudepigraphical.